
About Tropojë

Tropoja is located in the northeast of Albania and is bordered to the north by Montenegro, to the south by the District of Has, to the west by the District of Shkodra (with the districts of Shkodër and Pukë) and to the east by the Republic of Kosovo.

Tropoja is a typical mountainous area. As an integral part of the Albanian Alps, the largest area of the district's surface is occupied by high mountains. The average height of Tropoja district is among the highest in Albania - 1105 m above sea level.

The climate in Tropoja is mountainous in the Alpine area and continental Mediterranean in the rest, characterized by long, harsh winters and short, cool summers. The average temperature in Tropoja Basin is 11.5 °C; 0.2 °C in winter and 21 °C in summer. During the year there are on average 198 sunny days. The average annual rainfall is 1735 mm. During the winter, snowfalls are frequent and there are mountain peaks on which the snow never melts. Winds blow from the north: "Black North" air masses coming from the northeast via Morin's Pass (border point with the Republic of Kosovo), "White North" air masses coming from the north through the Gashi river valley, which bring cold air masses. While the "Wind" that blows from the south along the Valbona Valley carries warm air masses with considerable moisture.

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